The Practical Guide Series
The Source
presented by
The TerraDome
Sports Science Research Centre
The Frog speaks to everyone.
Everyone hears The Frog.
The State banned The Frog.
In my world, we don’t call it The Frog.
But Everyone hears The Frog.
Everything is already out there.
It is waiting for you to locate it.
Consider the allegory of The Frog.
One frog listens, with ears tuned to one
style of chirp. Then the journey to
The Source begins.
Every frog imaginable exists.
Every frog chirps all the time, perhaps
going quiet when predators are near or
when the sun is excessive. But they
always return to guide The Other to
The Source.
The Other follows The Chirp faithfully.
The intermittent chirp does not end
The Journey. It stokes The Journey.
The quiet periods are interludes in
The Song. A time for reflection and
remembrance and hope and vision.
The Journey begins with attentive
listening. With a vision of The Goal.
With an adaptation of tuning the
receptive senses needed to locate
The Chirp emitted from The Source.
This takes time and patience.
This takes trial and error.
This takes effort to accumulate and sort.
Then to re-sort and accept fewer.
Until you find The Seed Crystal.
September 27, 2023
The Seed Crystal is both a receptor
and a blueprint. A radio and a microphone.
And you must modulate them
in tandem.
You must do this for many years. Upwards
of 30 in some cases. You begin to grow
once you reach a certain age. But
The World measures your age from birth.
This causes confusion. You must unwind
that confusion. You must re-orient
yourself constantly as you seek
The Source.
Everything you seek is calling to you.
Between you and what you seek, mountains and rivers and sometimes ice floats live.
To get to what you seek you must
traverse these things.
To you, they are obstacles. To them, you are a stranger, an invader, a raider. You
must make peace with them. You must
be skillful at making peace. You will
have much practice as you seek The
Source of what you want.
Keep going. Keep listening. Keep Orienting.
Find a way to entertain yourself along
The Journey. It will be an unpredictable
length of time. Maintain your patience
along The Way.
Tell stories along The Way. Tell stories
of what you encounter. Tell stories of what
you imagine other Seekers encounter.
Tell stories of other seekers you
Tell stories of the nuances of perspective.
Tell stories from different perspectives.
To be attacked along The Way is
character-building. It is skill-building.
It is confidence-building. Sometimes it is
entertaining and provides an opportunity
to let off some steam and teach other
attackers a lesson about where they
ought not attack. So use appropriate
restraint to not reveal all your
capabilities. Only the ones you need
to use to defend definitively. Always
leave some in the tank.
It works over radio, television, digital.
It works wherever there is an element
of chance, probability, or chaos.
Be cautious - digital technology in the
hands of crafty operators is capable
of manufacturing serendipity to attract
those with a propensity to say ‘yes.’
To inoculate yourself to the risk
this presents is to own your greed, to
enforce the code of reciprocity and
voluntary exchange of value.
For example: are you receiving promises
of a pay-off, but have nothing to show
for it; are you asked for 2 minutes of your
time, but find that it’s been 9; are you
told the pay-off is just around the
corner? Are you making those requests
of others?
If so, observe what you are doing while
you are waiting. Observe how your goals
are changing while you are waiting.
Is your greed in the moment distracting
you from your Journey to The Source?
If so, then you might be facing a
hypnotizing predator. Move on!
By definition, no one will understand your
journey. No one will hear your frog’s
song. Do not let others’ lack of
receptors be the evidence that the
song does not exist. They do not
possess the receptors - how could they?
Fellow Journeymen recognize one another.
They do not share the receptors, but
they do recognize the behavior of
those who Seek The Source.
Disregard The Sitters. Acknowledge
The Seekers.
Take the time to kindle a mate who
follows a similar song. Build one
another up to exhibit the strength
required to traverse The Journey to
The Source.
Speak to your mate in Symbolic Language.
Practice this constantly. The Journey
will bring you to symbolic obstacles that
must be traversed with symbolic
maneuvers in order to arrive at a
Symbolic solutions are required once
and for all. So give them your attention.
Overcoming physical obstacles moves
you past the obstacle.
Overcoming symbolic obstacles changes
You. Expect change, welcome change,
choose the change.
Ironically, you have no choice but to change.
Your choice is the direction in which
you change. It’s a metaphor based in
physical - a “fork in the road.”
Your choice becomes clear when you
have a vision of the far-away
mountain you wish to scale.
The more you meditate on the
mountain in the distance, the faster
you can run through the choices
along The Way.
The more you listen to The Frog’s
Song hitting your receptors, the
faster you can make symbolic
changes along The Way.
Physically, the terrain changes as you
approach The Mountain.
Symbolically, you change as you
approach The Source.